嗨,大家好!又來到了每週英文的時間啦!我們今天要分享多益考題經常出現的單字跟句型(第三部分),也是商業英語經常出現的考題廢話不多說,我們開始囉!,1. Associate:(v.)使有關聯,例句:Two of the applicants were associated with a competitor. 有兩名應徵者和競爭公司有關係,2. Condition:(n.)條件,例句:The conditions of employment are listed in the job opening. 雇用的條件列在職缺公告裡,3. Employment:(n.)雇用,例句:The company announced employment opportunities in personnel department. 公司宣布了人事部門的雇用(工作)機會,4. Lack:(v.)(n.)缺乏,例句1: Carl lacked the ability to get along well with his coworkers. 卡爾缺乏與同事相處融洽的能力,例句2: Due to lack of funds, the project has been temporarily halted. 由於資金的缺乏,這項計畫暫時被終止了,5. Managerial:(adj.)管理的,例句:Michael is seeking a managerial position in the accounting field. 麥克爾正在尋找領域的管理職位,6. Diligent:(adj.)勤奮的,例句:Carmen is one of the most diligent workers in the company. 卡門是公司裡最勤奮的員工之一,7. Familiar:(adj.)熟悉的;親近的,例句:Staff must review the handbook to become familiar with it. 員工必須複習手冊以熟悉內容,8. Proficiency:(n.)熟練;精通,例句:Overseas workers need proof of proficiency in a second language. 海外員工需要有精通第二外語的證明,9. Prospective:(adj.)預期的;未來的,例句:Prospective employees were asked to come in for a second interview. 有可能成為員工的人,被要求前往參加第二次面試,10. Appeal:(v.)呼籲;有吸引力,例句:The 10 percent pay increase appealed to the staff. 百分之十加薪員工很有吸引力,好了,今天就分享到這裏,有沒有很簡單?,有聲版:,,下一篇文章:英文單字(雇用篇)(4),本篇文章與:#分享 每週英文-英文單字(雇用篇)(3) - Meteor 是同一個人,,今天就到這裏,我們下次見,拜拜! 南開科大 尼科爾 @2021-12-20 13:33:49