嗨,大家好!又來到了每週英文的時間啦!不好意思啦,因為最近我太忙了,而且身體不舒服,一直遲遲無法更新系列,所以今天就來趕一下進度,我們今天要分享多益考題經常出現的單字跟句型(第一部分),也是餐飲觀光英語經常出現的考題,這可是非常重要的喔廢話不多說,我們開始囉!,1. Tour:(n.)旅遊,Tourist(n.)旅遊者;觀光客,Tourism(n.)旅遊業,例句1: I have some free time on Saturday. Do you offer single-day tours? 禮拜六我有空,你們有提供一日遊的行程嗎?,例句2: The last stop on our tour is the cafeteria. 我們行程最後是到自助餐廳,2. Valid:(adj.)有效的,例句:I would like to ask if the coupon will be valid at your future location. 我想請問該折價券是否適用於之後開幕的地點,3. Guide:(v.)引導(n.)導遊;指南,例句1: Visitors can download audio-guided tours on our website. 參觀者可以在我們網站上下載語音導覽,例句2: Welcome to the Sliva Sculpture Museum. My name is Nina and I will be your tour guide. 歡迎來到席爾瓦雕刻博物館我是尼娜,是各位的導遊,4. Client:(n.)顧客,例句1: The client dinner has been postponed until next Thursday. 和客戶的晚餐之約已延到下禮拜四,例句2: I have some clients coming in from out of town next week, and I’d like to take them to the new restaurant on Queen Street. 下禮拜有些客戶進城拜訪,我想帶他們到皇后街上的新餐廳用餐,5. Flavor:(n.)口味(v.)調味,例句1: Participants we’re given a sample of each flavor and asked to rate each sample on a scale of one to ten. 參與者拿到各種口味的樣品,並被要求依照一到十的等級為每個試喝品評分,例句2: None of the brands are artificially flavored, and they all preserve the natural taste of the fruit. 這些品牌的果汁皆未添加人工香料,也都保留了最原始的水果風味,6. Brochure:(n.)手冊;小冊子,例句1: This brochure will provide you with information for your trip. 這本手冊提供您這趟旅程的相關資訊,例句2: We have two different day trips. This brochure tells you more about them. 我們有兩種不同的一日遊行程這本簡介內有更多相關資訊,7. Banquet:(n.)宴會,例句:The location for tonight’s banquet is now the Red Ballroom, not the Grand Ballroom. 今天的晚宴已由大會堂改到紅廳舉行,8. Beverage:(n.)飲料,例句:Waiters are serving beverages to the customers. 服務生正為顧客上飲料,9. Cafeteria:(n.)餐飲部;自助餐廳,例句1: We are pleased to announce that the company will be opening its very own cafeteria for employees next month. 我們很高興宣布公司的員工餐飲部將於下個月開幕,例句2: The cafeteria will serve sandwiches, soups, and hot entrees at reasonable prices. 餐飲部會提供平價三明治、湯品及熱食,10. Cater:(v.)(提供)外燴服務,Catering(n.)外燴服務,例句:I’m calling because I’d like to have a small reception catered this Friday afternoon. 你好,我來電是想要為本週五下午的一場小型接待會安排外燴服務,下一篇文章:英文單字(餐飲篇)(2),影片連結在這裡:,,本篇文章與:#分享 每週英文-英文單字(餐飲篇)(1) - Meteor 是同一個人,,今天就到這裏,我們下次見,拜拜! 南開科大 尼科爾 @2022-03-05 17:14:14