嗨,大家好!又來到了每週英文的時間啦!我們今天要分享多益考題經常出現的單字跟句型(第二部分),也是餐飲觀光英語經常出現的考題,這可是非常重要的喔廢話不多說,我們開始囉!,1. Recipe:(n.)食譜,例句1: How many servings does this recipe make? 這個食譜是幾人份的?,例句2: I attempted to make the apple and celery salad from the recipe on page 57 of the magazine. 我試做了雜誌中57頁的蘋果西洋芹沙拉,2. Ingredient:(n.)原料,例句:We are looking for recipes characterized by unique flavors but also commonly available ingredients. 我們徵求標榜獨特風味、但使用常見食材的食譜,3. Atmosphere:(n.)氣氛,例句:The floor lamp in this cafe creates a warm atmosphere with its soft light. 這間咖啡廳的落地燈燈光柔和,營造出溫馨的氣氛,4. Refreshment:(n.)(茶點、飲料等)提神飲料(常用複數形),例句1: There will be light refreshments and music all day long. 現場將全天候提供小茶點與音樂演奏,例句2: Why did Monica bring refreshments today? 莫妮卡今天為什麼帶茶點來?,5. Suggestion:(n.)建議,Suggest(v.)建議,例句1: Do you have any suggestions for this evening? 今晚的活動你有什麼建議嗎?,例句2: Please make sure your recipe includes suggestions for main dishes that it would complement. 請確認您的食譜包含主菜的搭配建議,6. Proceed:(v.)繼續進行,例句:Now we will proceed to the second floor, where the Karina exhibit is housed. 現在我們將繼續前往位於二樓的卡琳娜展示區,7. Picturesque:(adj.)如畫般的,例句:The MNS Railroad’s most picturesque passenger route runs through the White Mountain region and the Still River valley. MNS鐵路風景最秀麗的載客路線,行徑懷特山脈和史蒂爾河谷,8. Itinerary:(n.)行程;旅行計畫,例句:Ms. Umaga has changed her trip itinerary. 烏瑪加女士更改了她的旅遊行程,9. Historical:(adj.)歷史的,例句1: Your complete itinerary and a historical guide to the region will be mailed to you in August. 您的完整行程以及介紹當地歷史的遊覽手冊,將於八月時郵寄給您,例句2: The lighthouse is open only to members of the historical society. 燈塔僅對歷史學會會員開放,10. Package:(n.)套裝行程,例句1: We offer two fantastic tour packages; choose the one that’s right for you and your family! 我們提供兩個很棒的旅遊套裝行程,請選擇適合您闔家出遊的行程!,例句2: The package includes breakfast and dinner for three days. 這個套裝旅遊包含三天的早晚餐,更新:最後還漏掉的condiment/seasoning,好了,總共介紹了30個單字,去國外觀光的時候一定會用的到多益考題會很常出現的,祝大家檢定通過!,影片連結在這裏:,,本篇文章與:#分享 每週英文-英文單字(觀光篇)(2) - Meteor 是同一個人,,今天就到這裏,我們下次見,拜拜! 南開科大 尼科爾 @2022-03-14 09:09:10