嗨,大家好!又來到了每週英文的時間啦!我們今天要分享全民英檢考題經常出現的單字跟句型(第十六部分),這可是非常重要的喔廢話不多說,我們開始囉!,1. Assure:(v.)保證,例句:I assure you that this sun lotion will give you full day protection. 我向你保證這款防曬乳能給你整天的防護,2. Astonish:(v.)使吃驚,例句:It astonishes me that you still won’t accept that you made a mistake. 令我驚訝的是,你仍然不承認你犯了錯,3. Astonished:(adj.)震驚的,例句:The employees were astonished to hear that the company had gone bust. 員工們聽到公司破產感到非常震驚,4. Astonishing:(adj.)驚人的,例句:It’s astonishing how much Taipei has changed in the last twenty years. 台北過去二十年的改變,令人感到驚訝,5. Astronaut:(n.)太空人,例句:Astronauts undergo rigorous training. 太空人接受嚴厲的訓練,6. Athlete:(n.)運動員,例句:James was a star track and field athlete at high school. 詹姆士在高中時是一名明星田徑運動員,7. Athletic:(adj.)運動的;活躍的,例句:Bertha was very athletic when she was in middle school. 博莎在國中時非常活躍,8. Atmosphere:(n.)氣氛,例句:The atmosphere in the room turned rather sour, so Kate made her excuses and left. 房間裏的氣氛變的不太愉快,所有凱特找藉口離開了,9. Atom:(n.)原子,例句:The smallest unit of an element is called an atom. 元素最小的單位是原子,10. Atomic:(adj.)原子的,例句:There are pros and cons to atomic energy. 原子能源有好處也有壞處,下一篇文章:英文單字(A開頭篇)(17),影片連結在這裡:,,今天就到這裡,我們下次見,拜拜! 南開科大 尼科爾 @2023-02-03 15:51:18