嗨,大家好!又來到了每週英文的時間啦!我們今天要分享全民英檢考題經常出現的單字跟句型(第十七部分),這可是非常重要的喔廢話不多說,我們開始囉!,1. Attach:(v.)裝上;附加,例句:Don’t forget to attach the information pack to the email before sending it out. 在寄出電子郵件前別忘了附加資料包,2. Attempt:(n.)(v.)嘗試;企圖,例句:Her attempt to bake an elaborate birthday cake ended in failure. 她嘗試烤個精緻的生日蛋糕,但結果失敗了,3. Attitude:(n.)態度,例句:Jessica has a positive attitude to work. 潔西卡有著積極正面的工作態度,4. Attract:(v.)吸引,例句:How can we attract better applicants when the salary on offer is so low? 我們提供的薪資這麼低,要如何吸引比較好的申請者?,5. Attraction:(n.)吸引物;吸引力,例句:Henry couldn’t see the attraction in working in the countryside. 亨利看不出來鄉村工作的吸引力,6. Attractive:(adj.)有吸引力的,例句:Amy is a very attractive girl. 艾米是一個很有吸引力的女孩,7. Audio:(adj.)聲音的;聽覺的,例句:This audio system is top of the range. 這套音樂系統是這個範圍裡最頂尖的,8. Author:(n.)作者,例句:My favorite author is J. K. Rolling. J. K. 羅琳是我最喜歡的作者,9. Authority:(n.)權利,例句:Do you have the authority to make such an important decision alone? 你有權利獨自做這麼重要的決定嗎?,10. Autobiography:(n.)自傳,例句:His autobiography is incredibly biased. 他的自傳充滿偏見,下一篇文章:英文單字(A開頭篇)(18),影片連結在這裡:,,今天就到這裡,我們下次見,拜拜! 南開科大 尼科爾 @2023-02-06 09:28:51